Monday, August 9, 2010


So it has been a while since I have blogged... Life has been really busy I'm sure your well aware of, if we are friends on Facebook. So life has went on since my last post. I am Still Alive!

This past weekend while chatting with friends one spoke of my blog, I casually mentioned that I hadn't really kept up on it however I really enjoyed the idea of having one. It's kind of interesting how Facebook, Blogs, and Social networking sites have become a part of our life and how we enjoy browsing them sometimes almost daily. I find it very interesting that someone - anyone would want to read about my life?!?! But who knew.

I have come to the conclusion: I will get back into it and Blog once again. So I'm Back! With the plan of posting highlights of what is going on my my Busy Life.

So enjoy as we move forward in blogging once again~

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I just noticed it had been almost 1 year since I had posted on here! :( 10 days shy...
