Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fashion Model...

So today I was over watching the kids. It never fails but Eve always has "new clothes" to show me.... Well today she wanted to try them on and wanted her picture taken.. I will admit it I take allot of photos of the twins when I'm there. So I kinda felt like maybe I should take some of her... It was time to put the girls down for a breather/nap. They had been very cranky and needed to Relax. So Eve and I took a few Minutes to gander around outside and take a few photos. While listening to a baby monitor of kids crying... Fun Fun! :)
I think she likes to pick things and this flower she wanted. We had to take it back in the house and put it in a cup of water!
Then we took a few photos on the back deck and of course we had to go out to her swing set!
It was allot of fun and she really enjoyed putting on the dresses! We will see what Friday holds this kid has a ton more of new clothes!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Married ~ 136 Days

ah Married.... So after actually getting married, life does go on. Yep, nothing to interesting really just Life! :) But while going threw some photos I found some that I took back in February '09 Before the wedding when the rings were new and shinny! So I played around with them this evening and this is what I came up with. Enjoy

Projects around the house!

So we started out side working around the house and really like the new landscaping now we are working in the house. More specifically in the Basement!!!!
Yes we are moving the old "Computer/Wedding/Craft Room" to the basement to the NEW Computer Room!!

I'm super Excited so I have taken a few photos along the way to show the progress.
We started out by rolling on White - water sealant that helps protect against mold and mildew! yuck, I don't ever want to have to deal with that so the extra $60.00 is worth it. Then we started building the Studs and we installed the pink foam board in behind it. Hopefully the Insulation will make it a bit warmer down there this winter when I'm studying. :)
Not to mention Feionia has been along around supervising this whole project!

The Girls!

Big Sister Eve! She loves having the swimming pool on the Deck, so everyone can watch her splash around!

Sleepy Kyra! 5 mins before she passed out asleep.

And Lily fell asleep in her jumper!
So just a few cute photos of the Girls!
Love Aunt June!