Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Horoscope = My Life

Too many people may be vying for your attention today, Gemini, both at work and home. You will want to make them all happy, so you may feel a little frazzled. Your temper might also be on edge. It would be better to put off the less urgent demands than work yourself into a frenzy. Those who matter would rather have you enjoy life than tire yourself out for their sake.

          Things are a bit crazy right now. Today I worked 11-7:30pm came home to see my husband and 15 minutes later my Father-in-law knocks on the door. It seems like its always one thing afte another. Then not to mention I have a TON of Homework to complete. As my final semester at Kellogg Community College comes to an end in the next 10 days. I dont know how I ever thought I was going to be able to juggle Assoicates degree classes ending, Bachelors degree classes starting, Home Life and a Job for 3 weeks. Well the job did get added to the equasion towards the end... But still this is crazy.
Anyways...  This is my life = CRAZY.   :)

Easter Eggs from this year 2011!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Project: Happily Ever After

I first saw this book advertised on the Today show. One morning while enjoying my "normal" routine, sitting on the couch and enjoying my bowl of cereal and glass of OJ. It was then when it dawned on me. Am I her or is she me? Yes our last names are the same but I was referring to more than just that. Her story rang true on a few different levels.

This book was one I just had to get and actually read!

Now after just 2 days of having the book I am nearly 160 pages engrossed in it and honestly enjoying my time READING… Yes, very strange since I’m currently attending college and hating nearly every minute that I have to spend reading out of a text book.

Last night after spending a few hours of reading: I wondered did she blog while going through all this and sure enough she did. This is the link: I have not had much time to look through it yet but intend on doing so, while making my way through my Project: Happily Ever After!