Too many people may be vying for your attention today, Gemini, both at work and home. You will want to make them all happy, so you may feel a little frazzled. Your temper might also be on edge. It would be better to put off the less urgent demands than work yourself into a frenzy. Those who matter would rather have you enjoy life than tire yourself out for their sake.
Things are a bit crazy right now. Today I worked 11-7:30pm came home to see my husband and 15 minutes later my Father-in-law knocks on the door. It seems like its always one thing afte another. Then not to mention I have a TON of Homework to complete. As my final semester at Kellogg Community College comes to an end in the next 10 days. I dont know how I ever thought I was going to be able to juggle Assoicates degree classes ending, Bachelors degree classes starting, Home Life and a Job for 3 weeks. Well the job did get added to the equasion towards the end... But still this is crazy.
Anyways... This is my life = CRAZY. :)
Easter Eggs from this year 2011!